The worst day of the year is when the straw poll in Iowa happens, we want to look up if the person who wins ever makes it to November the following year. That being said the 2012 Republican presidential race started with Iowans voting for the first time on the field of presidential hopefuls. True to form and why Iowa is useless as a gauge they picked Michele Bachmann as their top choice for the GOP nomination. This because of the nature of how the only one that really wants this is democrats the bigger news of the day was Texas Governor Rick Perry formally entered the race. We do not want to get crazy as Bachmann received around 28 percent of the 17,000 votes cast we are still five months before the Iowa caucuses kick off the Republican primary season. The bigger surprise was GOP frontrunner until now Mitt Romney finished seventh behind in order Texas Rep. Ron Paul, Former Minnesota Gov. Tim Pawlenty, Former Pennsylvania Sen. Rick Santorum Herman Cain. Perry who was not on the ballot finished in sixth completed by written-in supporters ahead Romney. We know the spin from Romney will be he did not compete in the straw poll, the problem is neither did Perry and he got more votes.
Iowa Straw Poll Results equal questions